Monday, February 28, 2011

Working through setbacks...

What is life without adversity? This week has seen a lot of setbacks, accidents and problems will always arise and the spectre of doubt will raise its ugly head.  Still, it is moments like this that cause me to look at what I have to be thankful for.
I used to work at a restaurant with an older gentleman named Gary and whenever I would ask him how he was doing, he would reply, "better than most."  It was his standard reply.  It never seemed more applicable than it does now. 
I spent all of Saturday in the hospital after having been hit by a car that morning.  I left there the next morning with a couple of scrapes, two cracked ribs, and a cracked jaw.  Nothing was broken all the way and there was no permanent damage.  I will be fine in a few weeks.
I cannot help but think about the people I passed who were going in as I was being wheeled out.  For me, it was merely a formality that I was in a wheelchair.  I can walk just fine...I am doing better than most.

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