Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Apex and the Nadir...Day 18...12 days to go.

We are at the apex, or the highest point of this whole thing, and simultaneously, the nadir, or lowest point.  This weekend will be hideously busy and the following week, will be incredibly meaningful.  This whole thing, every minute, every hour has been meaningful to a lot of people, but for many more, there is an "out of sight, out of mind" mentality.  I have touched on this before in my other posts, but I think that thing that gets me most is simply the fact that we tend to forget things and people when they are not right in front of us; that without some extreme action bringing it to light and nearly stinging our senses with its reality, we lose sight of what is going on.  The homeless do not disappear because you do not see them,
   So, as we enter the last phase of this, the point where it is all downhill (for me anyway), I am trying to keep that in mind.  The next weeks will see some amazing things.  Let's not forget what made the apex so great.  Let's not forget that there are people in their nadir.

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